Lesson for today:
April 11, 2000
I've found a very good site that I highly recommend for those who would really like to learn Chinese. It features a Chinese dictionary that shows you the pronunciation, how it originated and its meaning. It also has a few Chinese literary articles with English translations. The banner-icon above is a link to the site . Just do a refresh every few minutes and a new character is highlighted. This makes learning a new character every day a very simple thing.
November 27, 1999
I've moved my webpage from the old site to this new one with a new change in the way it looks and runs. After getting stuck with the way the Joust page works with setting up subdirectory links, and not having the patience to make my own set of colors for the folders and tree structure to match my color scheme, I stopped updating the site. Then last week, Wave Technologies' technical administrator, Moy showed me this javascript w/c is more simple and makes maintaining the linked documents easier.
I hope to be able to move the old pages here soon. I also hope to put up an online messagebase of sorts for my collection of e-mail clippings so that maintaining it would be easier.