If you have any problems or worries, there are a lot of things you can and might try to do to. Some may work, some may not. Some may give you a small reprieve, others may just add more to your troubles. If you think there's nothing you can do that will work, think again.
Lay your cares and burdens at His feet and find rest
When I started out, I had this little contruction worker cartoon at the front of this page. Initially, I thought that I'll just let people know when I have finished this page and left it at that. Then I realized that web pages are not like a book that we have gotten used to. Its not a piece of creative work where after the story is written, it gets sent to the publisher for printing and maybe goes to the bestseller charts.
Webpages are a dynamic thing. Just like our lives. Each day is like a page which gets written one day at a time. With each day's experiences, we develop our personalities and character. I hope these pages will help you to take a journey of discovering that we and this world that we live in is a miracle of creation and that everyday is a shower of God's blessings. With God's grace, we grow daily in His image till we go home. The Reflections section is a glimpse on some of my journey.
To find out what changes I've done to this site, you can click on the what's new page.
What follows this line are some of the standard stuffs you may find on most homepages. To go through the rest of my homepage, use the drop down menu bar at the top of this page. You'll need to have javascripts enabled for you to be able to use it. If you don't have javascripts enabled or your browser doesn't support it, use this link to see the rest of the site.
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Copyright © 1999 William Villanueva