The Wave of the Future

sunset view from a Christian Riese Lassen painting

While the gentle sea breeze blows, a few might be lucky to be able to have the time to sit at a beach and enjoy some brief respite from the rat race of this world. If you don't have that luxury of going to the beach, then maybe a stroll down Manila Bay. Everything seems so peaceful but the waves which was so calm earlier begins to roll in. First, its just a gentle lapping of the waters on the breakers and then later bigger waves roll in. Looking at the wave, and the sunset, you may start to wonder, "What is the future?  What does it have in store for me?  Where will I be heading?  Are what has been happening everyday around us the wave of the future?"

The waves seems like a small thing sometimes but if you get to stand in front of it, it will push and pull you. If you're lucky to be living in Hawaii or California, you may already have experienced the fun of surfing. You would know and respect the power of those waves. There are rocks around the coast which may seem like they would last forever but if one has the time to inspect them a decade and compare them, the waves' constant crashing on those rocks have changed it's shape.

Everyday we open the newspapers or turn on the radio or television, we hear of wars, political turmoil around the world. Closer to home, we hear of robberies, kidnapping, graft and corruption in the government, the stock market in topsy turvy. There are a number of big corporations which are closing or are in financial troubles. Others are fearing for their jobs. There are a lot of mass layoff as companies trim down their costs to keep themselves afloat. You can't avoid hearing from business associates or friends of how business is doing now, specially since the Asian economic crisis. And they are talking about the impending second crisis which will come when China will devaluate their yuen. All these thoughts would send anyone looking for places to put their money and future.

We are so insignificant in this world that everyday of being hammered by these news and events that its a wonder how we will be able to stand up for long. The question however has long been answered. "The LORD on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea." Psalm 93:4

When the disciples were on the boat, a storm blew and was threating to capsize the boat and drown them. What did the discipled do? They woke Jesus up who was sleeping in the stern and told him about the situation. What did Jesus do?

He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" (Mark 4:39 NIV)

If the storms and the waves of tomorrow threatens you, be still and listen to what God has promised:

"Be still, and know that I am God; ..." (Psalm 46:10a NIV)

<BGSOUND src="../mid/iknowwhoholdstomorrow.mid" loop="1">Midi sound playing I know who holds tomorrow

The above picture is from a painting by Christian Riese Lassen. If you liked it, check my links page for other sites that carries his paintains.

Copyright © William Villanueva